Performance dos indivÃduos nos testes de progÃnies e os respectivos clones de eucalipto




In order to compare the performance of individuals selected in progenies test and the clones derived from them, 196 full-sib progenies were appraised, at two and four years of age, using four commercial clones as control. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks with five replications and five plants per plot, spaced 3.0 x 3.0 m. The experiment was carried out in three places. The 173 better individuals selected in the progenies test plus thirteen controls were appraised in the clonal test at two years of age. The experimental design was randomized complete blocks, with 20 replications, containing one plant per plot in two places. These experiments were carried out by the Veracel Celulose S/A company, located in EunÃpolis County, BA. The circumference at the chest height (CAP), height (ALT) and volume in cubic meters per plant (VOL) were evaluated. The components of genetic and phenotypic variance, heritability, gain in percentage and coincidence indexes, for different selection intensities were estimated. The correlation among individuals in the progenies test and their clones in the clonal test was also estimated. The results showed that the correlation among the performance of the matrices in progenies test with the individualsâ performance in the clonal test is low, however the estimates of realized heritability superior to 50 % indicated that selection of matrices in the progenies test is efficient.


teste de progÃnies genetica e melhoramento florestal clonal test eucalyptus teste clonal progenies test eucalipto

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