Perfis de Alma Senoidal: Proposição de Métodos de Cálculo e Análise de Confiabilidade Estrutural: proposição de métodos de cálculo e análise de confiabilidade estrutural
Roberval Jose Pimenta
The use of sinusoidal-web shapes has been increased in the last years. In spite of the advantages this type of structural component may offer, the international standards and specifications as well as the Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 8800:2008 do not provide design procedures for all the phenomena involved in its structural behavior. This is probably due to the fact that these shapes have only recently been introduced in the construction market and also due to the lack of consistent research on some structural phenomena. As a result, there is a need to develop design recommendations for structures with such kind of shapes that properly address their behavior under the various limit states, within the concepts and methods of the Structural Reliability. In this thesis, calculation models for sinusoidal-web beam under the limit states of lateraltorsional buckling (LTB) and flange local buckling (FLB) are proposed. Calculation models for simple supported and semi-continuous composite sinusoidal-web beam as well as for partial strength composite connections are also proposed. For semicontinuous composite beams, the model takes into account the possibility of lateraldistortional buckling (LDB) in the negative moment region. To this aim, theoretical studies, experimental tests and numerical analyses were performed. The proposed models are based on an adaptation of Brazilian standard ABNT NBR 8800:2008 and also eventually on an adaptation of US standard ANSI/AISC 360-05, in which the sinusoidal web is neglected in computing the geometric properties. Additionally, the safety assessment of beams designed by a procedure that incorporates the proposed models and the load and resistance factors of the Brazilian and US standards is performed. To this end, are presented: (i) the used reliability methods; (ii) the performance functions; (iii) the statistics of basic variables; (iv) the implicit reliability indexes. Based on the results, it is shown that the proposed procedure leads to reliability levels comparable to those of plane-web shapes.
engenharia de estruturas teses. confiabilidade (engenharia) teses.
- Proposição de procedimento para a determinação da rigidez rotacional de vigas mistas contínuas e semicontínuas com perfis de alma senoidal
- Flambagem lateral com torção em vigas com perfis de alma senoidal
- Análise numérico-experimental de flambagem lateral com torção e de ligações em vigas com perfis de alma corrugada senoidal
- Estudo da flambagem local da mesa de perfis I com alma senoidal via análise não linear pelo MEF
- Avaliação da segurança de vigas de alma senoidal sujeitas à flambagem lateral com torção - Parte 2: análise de confiabilidade