Perfil tipológico de gênero e a sua relação com risco de quedas, qualidade de vida e percepção do envelhecimento


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The number of falls in older people has increased and is related to environmental factors, social, physiological and psychological factors affecting the quality of life. Thus, the goal this research was to determine whether the falls, the quality of life and perception of the process aging differed among the elderly because of their psychological profiles. To this end, participated in the sample 140 elderly members of the Centre of the Elderly Catholic University of Brasilia. For the evaluation instruments were applied psychometric SF-36 (quality of life), Questionnaire Socio-demographic profile (for assessment of falls) and IFEGA (Inventory of Female Gender Schemas self). When checking the relationship between these variables, the results demonstrated that quality of life was the variable that showed statistical significance both in its relationship with psychological profiles (taking prevalence in Heteroesquemático male, except in the areas vitality and emotional aspects) and the perception of aging (we found that elderly people who find it difficult to aging have worse perception of quality of life, with statistical difference in vitality, social aspects, and emotional aspects). It follows therefore that the psychological profile of gender is related with the perception of aging since elderly male and eteroesquemáticas isoesquemáticas is easier than facing a better understanding quality of life.


quedas qualidade de vida percepção gerontologia ciencias da saude elderly gender schemes quality of life falls acidentes em idosos

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