Perfil multidimensional e avaliação da capacidade funcional em idosos de baixa renda / Multidimensional profile and evaluation of the functional capacity low-income elderlys




Introduction: Due to partner-demographic transition Brazil comes passing for a natural process of population aging. This demographic transition generates contrasts to the measure that the progress and the quality of life do not reach, equally, all the socioeconomics levels. In this scene, aged the low-level socioeconomic is more vulnerable, the proper limitations of the aging, chronicdegenerative illnesses and access to the health services. This set of partnerdemographic 0 variable and habits of life can corroborate, consequently, for limitation or deterioration of the functional capacity of the aged ones. Objectives: To analyze the influence of partner-demographic, habits of life and related factors to the access to the health services on the functional capacity, through the test Timed Up and Go (TUG) tracing a profile of the factors that influence of aged more excellent form a population of low-level inhabitants of the periphery of the city of Santos, São Paulo. Methodology: Cross-sectional study, carried through enters of february of 2006 the july of 2007, in 168 individuals with 60 or more years of age, inhabitants of the Dique da Vila Gilda in Santos, São Paulo. Partner-demographic data, conditions of health, medicine use and look for health services, activities of daily life, habits of life, social and leisure had been collected through Brazilian Older Multidimensional Functional Assessment Questionnaire (BOMFAQ), cognitive state for Mini-Examination of Estado Mental (MEEM), common mental disorders for Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20), alcohol consumption for Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), physical activity for International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). They had been mensurad arterial pressure and the index of corporal mass (IMC). For the evaluation of the functional capacity we apply dichotomized test TUG (<10 seconds - good functional capacity/ 10 seconds - limitation or functional incapacity). Through the test of the qui-square the independent variable had been analyzed by sex and the performance of test TUG. As well as the continuous ones, had been also evaluated through test t student or ANOVA. Models of unvaried and multivariate logistic regression also had been carried through, in order to test the influence of the explanatory variable on the functional capacity of the studied sample. The used program was the PASW version 18.0. Results: In the sample of 168 aged evaluated individuals it had a bigger ratio of 109 (64.8%), the average of the age was 68,4 years (±6,7), most was classified posse four years of formal study, 128 (76.2%) did not work and 13 (7.7%) carried through informal works, 63 (37.5%) were married or had accompanying. Frequency of chronic illnesses was verified (arterial hypertension, diabetes, osteodegenerative) similar the found ones in other studies, low alcohol consumption and tobacco. Although the great search for health services and medicine use, difficulties in the activities of daily life, few activities of leisure, the aged ones of this sample had presented good social conviviality and were physically active, according to classification of the IPAQ with 150 or more minutes of moderate and vigorous activities per week. The majority, 125 (74.4%) of the aged ones presented a modified cognitive state finally, in relation to the physical performance, 122 (72.6%) aged ones had presented a bigger or equal TUG the 10 seconds. In the logistic regression the cognitive state and the presence of cerebral vascular accident (AVC) had influenced in the worse performance in the test. However, the previous AVC remained significant statistical after adjustment for age, sex, education, occupation, conjugal situation, presence of falls and cognitive state (reason of possibilities: 4, 8 _ 1, 43-15, 27_ IC95%, p=0, 01). Conclusions: The partnerdemographic 0 variable unemployment had influence on the degree of functionality of the aged residents in this community. Aged with worse been cognitive e, over all with antecedents of AVC, they had presented increased risk to present one worse physical performance


aged socioeconomic level aptidão física limitação da mobilidade nível socioeconômico physical fitness mobility limitation idoso

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