Perfil do polimorfismo GÃnico da β-defensina-1 e da MBL2 em pacientes com diagnÃstico de onicomicose causadas por Candida spp




The human β-defensin-1 (hBD1) and mannose-binding lectin (MBL) are important components of the innate immune system. β-defensin-1 are peptides that act as natural and antibiotics contributes as first line of body defense. MBL is a protein that binds on the surface of microorganism and enable the factivation of complement system. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the gene hBD-1 and MBL2 genes in patients with onychomycosis caused by Candida species. Was investigated 100 patients attended at the Department of Medical Mycology/ UFPE and the Candida was identified at Laboratory of Diagnostic Medicine-based (NKB) second morphological and biochemesty characteristics. The SNPs analysis DNA was performed using patient extracted from whole blood and subjected to real-time PCR amplification and genotyping by melting temperature. The results of Candida species identification were: C. parapsilosis (50%), C. tropicalis (34%) and C. al assay.albicans (6%). These results show that there were a predominance of non-Candida albicans species. The results of the allelic frequency among patients with Candidal onychomycosis and healthy controls showed that the frequency 0 allele was significantly higher in patients than healthy patients (35% vs. 20%, p = 0.0001), odds ratio (OR) 1.72 with a 95% confidence interval regarding hBD1 The expression was observed that difference in genotypic frequencies (13% s GG, CC 2%): odds ratio (OR = 1.98) and on the mutant alÃlico was predominant in onychomycosis patients in relation to the control (25% vs. 14%). These results indicate that the presence of β-defesin-1 mutant allele and / or the MBL2 can contribute, as one of the factors in Candidal onychomycosis


bioquimica β -defesin-1 polimorphismo and candida spp β mbl -defesina-1 polimordismo e candida sp mbl

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