Perfil do consumo de desjejum de estudantes da área de saúde da Universidade de Brasília, DF




Introduction: As there are no specific studies diagnosing the breakfast consumption model of Brazilian population, showing which food and how much of it is eaten in this meal, this study has been done with this purpose. The studys intention is not only to verify if peoples choice on what they are eating is healthy; it is also due to help the improvement of politics in which the Nutritional Education in the promotion of healthy food care is emphasized. Methods and materials: The study is transversal and analytical. A questionnaire has been applied to students of Nursing, Pharmacy, Medicine, Nutrition and Dentistry, in two versions: one for students in the first semester and another for students in the last semester of University. A questionnaire about feeding frequency was also applied to know the basic consumption of food at breakfast. Results and discussion: The results showed that there is a significant percentage of daily energy being consumed at breakfast (19,4%). In relation to macronutrients, the consumption of lipids noticed was of 38,0%, the one of proteins was of 27,5% and the one of carbohydrates was of 60,3%. When comparing the consumption of lipids between first and last semester students, a reduction was noticed in the last group, becoming even more evident between students of Pharmacy, Dentistry and Nutrition. In relation to micronutrients, an increase in consumption of food rich in A and C or calcium vitamins was noticed. The consumption of fibers also became greater, being it sources: fruit, wholemeal bread and cereals. It has been proved that changes on the daily nutrition, specially on the breakfast of students, happen on the course of the years, mostly in the courses that deal with food and nutrition. The Nutrition Course seems to have been the one with more satisfactory changes on the breakfast, followed by the Nursing Course. The main reasons for students having modified their breakfast were identified: more knowledge about healthy food and physical activities. Smoking and being a sedentary are directly related to the omission of breakfast. In relation to the anthropometric profile, 81,2% of the students were in the eutrophy level, even though 21,2% were obese or with overweight. A relation was not found between the IMC and the breakfast consumption. Conclusion: With the results of this study, we can find out more about the daily breakfast of students of Health Field of the University of Brasilia. Food which are more consumed are: French bread with requeijão, butter or margarine, cheese, milk with drinking chocolate, fruit juice or fruit.


knowledge hábitos alimentares nutrition college students breakfast desjejum daily nutrition estudantes universitários nutricao nutrição conhecimento (alimentação saudável)

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