Perfil demográfico e estimativas de paridade dos Guarani nas regiões Sul e Sudeste do Brasil / Demographic profile and parity estimation of Guarani in South and Southeast regions of Brazil




The indigenous people in Brazil and Latin America are in a population growth process, in spite of pessimists forecasts which indicated their disappearance. In the last decades, the native Brazilian population has grown, in mean, 3.5% per year, more than the double the national mean, which is due to the high fecundity regimen and moderate mortality. The Guarani people also experiences this process of "demographic recovery", in which it is possible to observe a socialcultural structure that sustains the specific reproductive behaviour, considering that this people has as their basis of social, economic and politic organization the formation of extended families, i.e. macro familiar groups which organise the social-spatial occupation in the interior of the territories (tekoha) according to family relationship and affinity. The composition of the numerous offspring configure a high fecundity regimen, dominant factor in the numeric and cultural maintenance of Guarani people, which led us to investigate the socio-cosmological, cultural and historic factors which can explain this profile - in dialogue with lengthy bibliography. Therefore, in order to known the relationship between the population dynamic and Guarani s culture, we pursuit to describe and analyse the demographic profile of the Guarani in the South and Southeast regions of Brazil and to estimate the parity of their women in reproductive age, attempting to understand demographic and anthropologically the behaviour of this population in comparison with the self-declared indigenous contingent of the Brazilian census from 1991 and 2000 and, also, with the results encountered results between other indigenous people of Brazil. Hence, it was possible to draw significant similarities between the demographic behaviour of the Guarani in the South and Southeast region of the country and those found among the people and individuals with specific ethnic filiation


indios da america do sul - brasil indios guarani - identidade etnica Índios da américa do sul - demografia fecundidade - brasil - indigenas indians of south america guarani indians indians of south america fecundity

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