Perfil celular do lavado broncoalveolar em crianças e adolescentes com asma de difícil controle / Bronchoalveolar lavage cell profile in children and adolescents with severe asthma




Therapy resistant asthma is a major clinical problem in childhood. We investigated the inflammatory cell profile in the airways of children with severe asthma despite systemic steroid treatment and the relationship with clinical and functional severity. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was performed in 24 children with severe asthma (13M/11F; mean age 12.5 yrs, range 5-l4 yrs), and 5 controls. All received prednisolone prior to BAL. Neutrophils were the predominant inflammatory cell type in BAL in 15/24 (60%) children with asthma (median 15%, 5-43%).and only 5 patients had increases in eosinophils (median 9%, 6.5%-18,5%). There was a correlation between higher BAL eosinophils and more admissions Patients with higher BAL neutrophils showed a trend for lower pre-BAL lung function. We identified subgroups of children with severe asthma presenting different clinical and functional characteristics. Patients with increased percentages in BAL neutrophils showed a trend for lower lung function. A small number of patients presented eosinophilic airway inflammation in BAL with virtually normal lung function but showing signs of clinical instability.


bronchoalveolar lavage neutrophils asthma/complications respiratory function tests lavagem broncoalveolar testes de função respiratória criança neutrófilos asma/complicações child eosinófilos eosinophils

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