Perfil bioquímico sanguíneo e ganho de peso corporal em suínos submetidos a dietas com diferentes níveis de fósforo / Blood biochemical profile and body weight gain in swine subjected to diets enriched with different levels of phosphorous




The biochemical profile of plasma and blood serum can provide important information about the clinical, metabolic and production of an animal, which represents an application of clinical biochemistry. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of diets containing different levels of phosphorus on the constituents of blood serum and plasma and body weight gain in pigs. A total of 60 hybrid pigs, steers, with initial body weight of 61.07 0.86kg, with approximately 110 days of age. The animals were distributed in randomized blocks, subjected to five treatments, with twelve repetitions each. The treatments were distributed as follows: Treatment 1 - basal diet without supplemental phosphorus (P), containing 0.410% total phosphorus; Treatment 2 - basal diet supplemented with dicalcium phosphate trade (0.475% total phosphorus), Treatment 3 - feed basal supplemented with dicalcium phosphate trade (0.540% total phosphorus), Treatment 4 - basal diet supplemented with dicalcium phosphate trade (0.605% total phosphorus) and Treatment 5 - basal diet supplemented with dicalcium phosphate trade (0.670% phosphorus total). The animals received the experimental diets and water ad libitum, were weighed at the beginning (day 1) and at the end of the experimental period (day 30) for determination of weight gain. Blood samples to obtain serum and plasma were collected at baseline (T0 - Day 1) and at the end of the trial period (T1 - 30 th day), to measure the following parameters: sodium, potassium, chloride, total protein , albumin, alkaline phosphatase, total magnesium, urea, creatinine, phosphorus, ionized calcium, glucose, lactate, alkaline phosphatase, TSH and free T4. The data were tested by the Lilliefors and Cochran &Bartlet to verify data normality and homogeneity of variances, respectively. Given the assumptions of ANOVA were analyzed by analysis of variance and those variables that did not attend, were analyzed by nonparametric procedures using the Kruskal-Wallis. Regression analysis was performed for all the features and Pearson correlations were performed between weight gain with the other traits. Significant difference (p <0.05), with an increase in body weight (p <0.002), where there was a quadratic function in the treatments. Of serum phosphorus (p <0.0005) was found in a quadratic function of the treatments. His serum showed a steady increase in line with the increase of available phosphorus in the diet. Serum concentrations of total magnesium showed a quadratic (p <0.001) in the treatments. Concentrations decreased to T4, where values remained stable. The calcium ion also showed a quadratic (p <0.0001) while serum alkaline phosphatase showed a cubic behavior (p <0.008). Therefore, it was weight gain than in the treatments supplemented with phosphorus. Increased levels of phosphorus in the diet causes an increase in their serum and decrease in serum ionized calcium and magnesium.


suínos fósforo perfil bioquímico peso corporal patologia clinica animal swine phosphorous biochemical profile body weight

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