Perdas nitrogenadas e recuperação aparente de nitrogênio em fontes de adubação de capim elefante / Nitrogen losses and aparent recovery of nitrogen in sources of fertilization of elephant-gass




The efficiency of nitrogen fertilization is one of the key elements to grass production. The knowledge of nitrogen losses within this practice associated with the application of alternative nitrogen sources provide efficient use and flexibility in choosing between nitrogen fertilizers. The objective of this study was to evaluate nitrate leaching, ammonium volatilization losses and apparent recovery of the applied nitrogen in elephant-grass pasture managed under high soil fertility. It was conducted at the Animal Science Department of ESALQ/USP, in Piraicaba - S.P. The statistical design was in complete randomized blocks, with four replicates and six treatments, which were the use of 100 kg N.ha-1 as urea, ammonium nitrate, dairy manure, chicken litter and ajifer. There were three cycles of evaluations, from November 2006 to February 2007, resulting in 300 kg N.ha-1 applied during the whole period. The results were statistically analysed by the t test with 5% significance. Chicken litter and dairy manure treatments provided the higher dry matter yields of 3878,89 DM.ha-1 and 3873,67 kg DM.ha-1, for each source respectively. Nitrate leaching losses were significant in the third cycle when -0,2.10-4 kg was lost. Ammonia volatilization was different between cycles and sources. In the first cycle the dairy manure resulted in higher losses of 26,42 kg N.ha-1. Chicken litter and urea lost 23,97 and 22,27 kg N.ha-1, respectively. In the second cycle urea presented the higher losses of 22,50, while dairy manure and chicken litter lost 6,01 and 15,88 kg N.ha-1. During the third cycle urea presented higher losses than , with 40,12 kg N.ha-1, dairy manure and chicken , which were 2,71 and 11,93 kg N.ha-1. Higher volatilization losses were observed until 60 hours after fertilization.


ammonia volatilization fertilizantes nitrogenados pennisetum purpureum. capim elefante nitrate leaching aparente recovery adubação amônia lixiviação do solo nitratos.

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