Perdas aparentes serie como criterio a ser minimizado no fluxo de potencia otimo reativo / Series apparent losses as a criterion to be minimized on reactive optimal power flow




The classic performance indexes, used on reactive power supply and voltage profile analysis, are the sum of active and series reactive power losses that occur on transmission systems, under determined load conditions. The minimization of active or reactive losses, changes significantly the reactive power supply required from the transmission system to support the load. In this paper work it s analysed the role of performance indexes minimization and their effects on the voltage profile magnitude and on corresponding reactive power supplies. It is also proposed an alternative index, the sum of apparent power on series circuits of the system, which the minimization presents a more interesting operation point in relation to the voltage profile and system power losses. The operation points, gotten from active, reactive and apparent power losses minimization, on series elements, are analyzed and compared. This analysis is carried out aiming the reactive power supplies demanded from the system on the operation points obtained with the respective minimization. Besides it is also analyzed the square approximation of series apparent power losses. For the numeric experimentations, that made possible this study, it was used an optimum reactive power flow algorithm, based on reduced gradient method, with projection techniques and line search


sistemas de energia eletrica reactive power (electrical engineering) potencia reativa (engenharia eletrica) energia eletrica - transmissão electricity electric power systems transmission

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