Percurso da ação pública nas áreas informais do município de São Paulo: urbanização de favelas, mutirão e autoconstrução - 1979 - 1994 / The public action way in the homes built on the same urban and informal groundplot in São Paulo city: the intervencion in slums and the homes alternative production, by the community help and building by self help - between 1979 and 1994




The meaning objective of this work is to value the public action way in the homes built on the same urban and informal groundplot in São Paulo city, including the intervencion in slums and the homes alternative production, by the community help and building by self help, between 1979 and 1994. This period referes to the existence of the Fundo de Atendimento à População Moradora em Habitação Subnormal FUNAPS, a municipal fund created with the purpose to provide capital for the intervencions in the sub-normal homes universe, now meaning the homes that, to the city hall discretion, werw deprived of the minimun conditions of safety, durability and size, that presented insalubrity rate and that didn´t allow to the inhabitants the caring for their essential necessities. By this fund, there were put into practice a lot of intervencions that improved better 55.000 families, including the occupied areas upgrading, financing to the bought of areas, financing to the bought of material to the building by self help, production of isolated unities and housing state by taskwork and community help. The hypothesis that guides this study is that the executive power, interciding in the informal homes built on the same groundplot and in the caring for the less income population, ends taking over the actual practices in this universe and, as consequence, doesn´t promote the regularity and the insertion of these homes built on the same groundplot into the formal structure, as well as doesn´t promote the needful integrated actions to its social and economic development. In this way, we have as suitable hypothesis that, besides the meaningful amount of public investiments all along put into practice in the three last decades, in all sort of informal homes built on the same groundplot, over there in programs of incentive to the community help and other alternative practices alternatives of home production, the actions promoted weren´t enough to the insertion of the areas into the formal urban structure.


são paulo(sp) são paulo(sp) habitação de interesse social public action slums informal areas políticas públicas self help production assentamentos urbanos informais regularização fundiária home alternative production

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