Percevejos castanhos (Hemiptera, Cydnidae, Scaptocoris): aspectos morfológicos, ecológicos e comportamentais / Burrowing bugs (Hemiptera, Cydnidae, Scaptocoris): morphological, ecological and behavioral aspect




The objective of this study was to elucidate morphological, ecological and behavioral aspects of the burrowing bugs (Scaptocoris). Population dynamic studies, sexual dimorphism, wing polymorphism, and acoustic communication were investigated on different species of Scaptocoris. Studies on population dynamics and vertical distribution in the soil were carried out with S. carvalhoi. Nymphs occurred during the entire length of the study, and their abundance was not influenced by monthly rainfall. Adult population augmented with the increase of rainfall. Nymphs and adults were located in the top layer of the soil during the rainy season and they were found deeper in the soil during droughts. Adults were less tolerant to droughts than nymphs. External male and female genitalia of S. carvalhoi, S. buckupi and S. castanea were extracted for sexual dimorphism studies. Females differed from males by presenting genital plates. Females of S. carvalhoi have the laterotergite 8 separated in two parts, differently from S. castanea e S. buckupi that have only one plate. Male genitalia present the 10th abdominal segment and paramers linked to the 9th segment. This characteristic is similar among the three species. The wing polymorphism was compared by measuring body length, scutellum, anterior and posterior wings, membrane length and distance from the point of insertion of the wing to the apical part of the abdomen of S. carvalhoi. Cluster analysis allowed the identification of two groups based on the wing dimorphism. It was possible to classify each group, according to wing length as brachypterous (short wings) and macropterous (long wings). Wings of brachypterous specimens do not cover the last tergites and the wings of macropterous surpass the apical part of the abdomen. The ratio of the body length and anterior wings (RAC) e posterior wings (RPC) was greater than 0.8 and 0.6, respectively, for macropterous specimens. Brachypterous insects were more prevalent on the soil than macropterous. They were less active and their wings were not functional. Macropterous stinkbugs occurred predominantly during the onset of the rainfall and after long droughts. They were more active flying in 67% of the times when touched. The higher frequency of macropterous stinkbugs in the top soil layer (first 20 cm), occurred during swarm when they were the only group of adult stinkbugs collected, demonstrating their importance on dispersion to new areas. Morphological differences of the stridulatory apparatus, located at the abdomen near the posterior wings, were detected for S. carvalhoi and S. castanea and also between males and females. The sounds produced by these insects and its propagation across the substrate (soil and plant) varied between species and sexes. The sounds propagate only within short distances.


morfologia animal polimorfismo comportamento animal dimorfismo sexual ecologia animal sexual dimorphism percevejo acoustic communication population dynamics wing polymorphism população animal

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