Percepções e intervenções na metrópole: a experiência do projeto Arte/Cidade em São Paulo (1994-2002) / Perceptions and interventions in metropolis: the experience of project Art/City in São Paulo (1994-2002)




This dissertation discourses about the development of Arte/Cidade project in the city of São Paulo between 1994 and 2002, based on concerns about the relations between city, politics and aesthetics and about the present potentials and problems that urban art would have to configure itself as critical instance. Arte/Cidade was and is a cultural initiative of great events comprehending artistic interventions in urban spaces, which accomplished four expositions in São Paulo and showed many changes in its development: initiated in a public institution as an artistic enterprise, it was later organized by of a non-governmental association and also involved itself in urbanistic, architectonical and political debates about the contemporary metropolis. On the other hand, the project happened in a moment of increasing binding between cultural enterprises and urban marketing, in a context of progressive spectacularization, privatization and merchandising of the city and of the culture. This work intends to identify and to analyze the main changes in Arte/Cidade speeches, strategies and practices, with the objective of reflecting on its insertion in that scope and on the political implications and potentials of an artistic mega-event in the urban space of São Paulo in the ninety’s.


urbanism urban landscape urban art critical art são paulo (city) urbanismo política cultural arte crítica política urbana são paulo (cidade) urban politics arte urbana cultural politics paisagem urbana

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