Percepção de mulheres, profissionais do sexo, sobre suas condições de vida, saúde e trabalho.




Apart from the majority of the population, the women are usual users of the Brazilian Health Public System (SUS). Across their living time, they have organized themselves and claimed their subject condition of right, as well as the recognition that their needs go ahead the moments of menarche, gestation, childbirth and menopause. The discrimination, the violence, the abuse and the inequality have been compromising both the life conditions and work of millions of women. Concepts and prejudices on the prostitution have been into the mankind since ancient times; present in the societys speeches and images. The prostitution is a professional activity, which on one hand provides sexual pleasure; on the other hand, the professional payment. Populational studies that approach health, work, life conditions among sex female professionals and their attendance in the health services are rarely. 2EMHFWLYHV: To characterize sociodemographically living habits, and to describe the perception of the sex female professionals in the city of Votuporanga-SP, regarding their life and work conditions. &DVXLVWLFV DQG 0HWKRG: The population of this study comprised 50 sex female professionals, aged over 18 years and residents in five country-houses and houses where they work. All the stages to preserve research ethical aspects related to human beings have been accomplished. To collect data, an eight-part protocol with closed and open questions was used. They were related to characterization and life habits related to the profession and with questions addressed on the perception of sexuality. 5HVXOWV: A total of 55.5% out of the 90 sex professionals who work daily in the five researched places consented in participating. Their age was between 18 to 51 years; 64% were single, most had elementary or high school educational level; 70% did not practice another paid activity; some had other professions such as lawyer, educator, nurse, administrator and secretary. Most did not practice physical activity and had little leisure; 64% slept from 4 to 5 hours a day; 52% were smoking; 52% ingested alcoholic drink and medicines during work; 80% were users of SUS; 62% rarely search health attendance; 88% were treated with prejudice in the health services; 54% used masculine preservative in the relationships; the weekly working load varied from 8 to 80 hours, acting in schedule morning, evening and nocturne; the number of programs for shift varied from 2 to 30, with 15- minute mean duration; the payment varied from 15 to 120 UHDLV; the majority made distinction between sexuality and sex; began nearly the 12 years; keeping in the work due to money; they recognize that they are marginalized and treated with prejudice, but they consider as satisfactory the life as sex professional. &RQFOXVLRQV: These data allowed to reveal several aspects related to the life and work conditions of these researched women. Therefore, they can subsidize in this city some intervention programs for improvements in the life quality and health attention, moreover, contributing to further research in this context.


saúde integral da mulher prostitucíon assistencia integra a saude da mulher prostituição life, health and work conditions prostitution profissionais do sexo morbilidad morbidade referida morbidity comprehensive helath care atención integral da salud delivery of helath care womans integral health saude publica health care sex female professionals referred morbidity prestación de atención de salud assistência em saúde condições de vida, saúde e trabalho salud de la mujir

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