Percepção de fossibilização e fatores associados na interlingua de brasileiros adultos aprendendo ingles




The present work, a predominantly qualitative investigation, starts from the initial assumption that the fossilization of the oral production might be a frequent phenomenon among Brazilians learning English. The objective of this study is to describe more precisely this freezing of the leamer s linguistic-communicative competence and to start the search for the underlying causes of this phenomenon through the anaiysis of specific factors associated to it. One of these factors refers to the learning process, and the other involves individual characteristics of the leamers. From a group of sixteen subjects, five who showed stronger signs of fossilization were selected. The students taken as fossilized were usually unaware of their state, even though their oral proficiency was supposed to be at higher levels, according to the number of hours spent in fonnal instruction. Based on the results of an oral proficiency exam, the analysis of specific questionnaires and interviews, a profile of a typical fossilized subject was drawn, embracing characteristics that can lead to a quicker recognition of a person with Signs of fossilization in his/her oral production


aquisição da segunda linguagem interlingua (aprendizagem de linguas) lingua inglesa

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