Percepção da influência da forma de disposição final de resíduos de serviços de saúde sobre a ocorrência de fatores de riscos aos trabalhadores de aterros sanitários




This research presented a qualitative analysis of the heath of the workers of sanitary landfill, comparing the co-disposal of heath services wastes - HSW, together with municipal solid wastes - MSW and the disposal of the forms in septic trenchs. The methodology dealt with an approach of the reality, through meanings, reasons, aspirations, attitudes, faiths and values of the researched subjects. Four landfills, licensed by the COPAM - Council for Environmental Policy of Minas Gerais were selected: those located in Belo Horizonte, Betim, Santana do Paraíso and Três Corações. Observations and interviews with the workers and those in-charge for the operations were carried out. The risk to the workers health, associated to the solution of final disposal of HSW was assessed, looking for the behavior and the attitudes of the workers, in both solutions. The similarities of work routine and the exposure risks were analyzed, regarding the contamination by HSW. The influence of the final disposal in the occurrence of risk factors to the workers was observed. The data and information obtained in the interviews and in the researcher s observations demonstrated indications that in the co-disposal the workers are more exposed to the risks due to the habits and daily practices. However, in septic trenches, the routines of procedures do not follow the recommendations of the legislation and technical norms, exposing the workers health. The workers are exposed to occupational risk, in the two types of disposal of HSW due to the inadequate management of the HSW, both in the source and by those technicians in-charge of landfills. In the research, the managers did not agree to provide documents regarding the control of the workers health, contributing to the lack of reliable data for the conclusions. Plans for HSW management demand culture and habits changing, by those involved in the process. So, it is not possible to ensure if the application of legislations and regulations would effectively contribute for the decrease of risks to occupational diseases.


trabalhadores avaliação de riscos de saúde teses. meio ambiente teses. engenharia sanitária teses. aterro sanitário teses.

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