People management by the development of organizational commitment: a holistic and simultaneous approach of the determinants involved in the process / Gestão de pessoas pelo desenvolvimento do comprometimento organizacional: uma abordagem holística e simultânea dos determinantes envolvidos no processo




The importance of the collaborator´s commitment to the organization´s objectives is evidenced in function of the new paradigm of industrial production: the integrated flexible automation. Since the beginning of mass production plants started by the automobile industry until recently, the paradigm taylorism/fordism has been the dominant. This model, marked by the rigid automation and electromechanics is characterized by the use of collaborators with low education level and minimum qualification, for the extreme division of the work getting the tasks simple, routine and pre-specified and presenting any intervention´s need in productive process. The new emerging technical of integrated flexible automation has in the diversification a factor of competitive advantage and a facility of capture new markets, unlike traditional technical that looks for productivity through economies of scale, obtained by the machinery of large production of standardized items. This new paradigm, called of toyotism is different from the taylorism/fordism concerning production organization and work processes, as a whole. This means that instead of alienated and non prepared human resources the new situation demands a team of qualified and committed collaborators that participate actively in the productive process. This shift explains several researchersdedication on collaboratorscommitment to their works, since the beginning of the eighties, aiming to understand the main variables that explain the behavior of humans facing the work. The authors emphasize the importance of three essential factors to the operation of the organizations: (a) people should be induced to enter and stay in the system; (b) they should play their specific roles in a reliable way; and (c) they should be innovative and act spontaneously, yonder the prescriptions of the role. The several conceptual approaches and the respective theoretical sources in the investigation of organizational commitment result in an opportune study for the proposition of a large conceptual model, for the best understanding of that phenomenon, considering the prominence of the theme and the dilemmas that surround it. Therefore, the central problem of the research is elaborate a proposition of a conceptual model, considering the antecedent variables of the commitment, basing on the presented theoretical referential and in the brazilian peculiarities; and, later, verify his coherence regarding the strategies of human resources adopted by companies that intend to obtain maintainable competitive advantage, with base in the human factor, in long period. The research was applied to two companies of different cultures: 525 collaborators of the Subway of São Paulo and 180 collaborators of Nortel Networks of Brazil answered a questionnaire of 153 subjects on several precedent variables to the commitment. It was used the Analysis and Modelling of Structural Equations SEM and the program AMOS 3.61b (w32) to get the evaluation of the relationships among all the variables at the same time. The second stage of the research was constituted in the accomplishment of interviews with people of administrative level for unmasking of the respective organizational cultures. This way, the existent relationship can be appreciated between the different cultures and the main explanatory variables of the collaboratorscommitment. This work strongly confirms the importance of new researches to validate the models that were obtained in the two cases.


affective commitment organizational culture comprometimento afetivo organizacional human resource management gestão de pessoas cultura organizacional structural equation modeling modelagem de equações estruturais

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