Pensamento jurídico brasileiro, ensino do direito e a constituição do sujeito político no império (1822-1891) / Brazilian legal thinking, teaching law and the constitution of the political subject in the empire (1822-1891)


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




The research examines the formation of a political subjectivity in the Brazilian Empire from the speeches of legal and political institutions that characterized the period. Part ofan interactive approach to legal-political thought and built the bureaucratic framework in Brasil, causing an outbreak of political subject category that exists there, completely commited to their criteria of selection and representation in the practical analysis of seven copies, giving special emphasis their positions, ideologies, practices and legal and political discourses, both relevant to the situation to the challenge imperial Republican: José Bonifácio, Bernardo Pereira de Vasconcelos, Pimenta Bueno, Visconde de Uruguai, Joaquim Nabuco, Tobias Barreto e Ruy Barbosa. Then, deserves the legal education in imperial Brazil, especially in San Paolo and Olinda/Recife, from 1827 (date of creation of law courses in Brazil), resulting in the formation of a liberal ideology and a practice peculiar generated the bachelor, occupation burocratical. Finally, the thesis presents the main institutions of expression of power, where these graduates take place: the State Council, the Freemasons and the army, connected with the ideas of a republican movement taxpayers, namely, the question of elections (representation), the complex web of liberalism and the Republicans and abolitiotists speeches that in context are articulated. The central question of this thesis determines the response time of about citizenship, conditio sine qua non for abstraction of a concept of political sunject in Brazil.


direito jurídico - ensino cidadania legal right citizenship brazil

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