Pedagogical work and its peculiarities:the praxis by pedagogs out of school / Trabalho pedagÃgico e sua especificidade: a prÃxis de profissionais de Pedagogia em espaÃos nÃo escolares.




The purpose of this work is to understand the pedagogical work and its peculiarities by analyzing the actions developed by pedagogs out of school. In order to do that, a qualitative research was conducted in the model of a multiple case study in the non-governmental organization ComunicaÃÃo e Cultura â CC and in the Instituto de Desenvolvimento do Trabalho â IDT, both located in Fortaleza. The direct observation of the two pedagogsâ work, the open and semi-structured interviews, and the document analyses were the source of the collected data. Other professionals like the executive secretary of CC and the Coordinator of the Professional Qualification and Enterprising Department of IDT were also investigated. Based on the data, we could see that the pedagogical work tries to improve the learning outcome of the youth and adults, as well as provide them with higher quality in education in what is concerned with maturity and development as humans. The research shows that social, political and economical conditions reflect on the work carried at CC and IDT setting up limits to the objective possibilities of humanization and the professional autonomy of the pedagogs. The opposing characteristics of the institutions concerning their organizational and structural sets also influence the way priorities are set up. It is identified that the peculiarities of the pedagogical work hold up three aspects: the pedagogical relationship, the articulation between theory and practice, and the personal characteristics. Therefore, characterizing the pedagogical work aiming to delineate its peculiarities implies planning that involves a relation that goes from the professional formation and the human, world, society and educational concepts, to the working routines guided by the articulation between theory and practice resulting in a new praxis.


out of school ciencias humanas pedagogical peculiaritie profissÃes â desenvolvimento â fortaleza(ce) espaÃos nÃo escolares. pedagogical work educaÃÃo â estudo e ensino â fortaleza(ce) profissional de pedagogia pedagogs especificidade pedagÃgica trabalho pedagÃgico educadores â formaÃÃo â fortaleza(ce)

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