Pedagogia e pedagogos escolares / Pedagogy and school pedagogues




This research aims to re assess the pedagogues role at the contemporary school. Its main characteristic is a theoretical investigation, which was complemented by empirical data gathered through schoolteachers at São Paulo State public schools. It deals with Pedagogy epistemological question and both differentiates and relates it to the education sciences in order to identify pedagogy as the field of knowledge of and about education whose meaning here is a social practice. It develops a historical study to show how first grade school became universally available in this country and how pedagogues have worked at Brazilian schools. It analyses the challenges and needs at the public contemporary school and what kind of services the teachers demand. It presents four working areas for the school pedagogue: to coordinate the pedagogical work, to coordinate the teacherstraining programs, to provide a link with the local community and to manage the school. It argues that those professionals who are in the managing/coordinating jobs at the schools ought to have studied Pedagogy, what would effectively prepare them to be school pedagogues. The study deals primarily with the work developed by Dias de Carvalho, Estrela, Franco, Pimenta, Kuenzer, Libâneo, Paro, Sacristán, Saviani, Schmied- Kowarzik, Silva Jr. and Veiga.


coordenação pedagógica ciências da educação school pedagogue education sciences pedagogy school management pedagogical coordination educational counseling orientação educacional pedagogia pedagogo escolar direção escolar

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