Pedagogia da terra : um encontro de saberes, vivências e práticas educativas.




The present study is inserted in the debate about the Country side Education. It has as its object of analysis the realization of the Land Pedagogy Course, done in partnership with Universidade do Estado da Bahia and the country sides social movements through Programa Nacional de Educação na Reforma Agrária PRONERA. The work has as unit of analysis only one class comprised of members of Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra MST, done at Departamento de Educação Campus X Teixeira de Freitas. As the heart of the matter for this research, we have the following question: Has the Land Pedagogy Course PRONERA/UNEB made possible the implementation of new educational practices to learners/teachers of Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra as well as to the UNEB Professors inserted in the project in the perspective of Country Side Education? To answer this question a qualitative research was adopted, once this sort of approach makes possible a direct contact with the investigated object, and its complexity allows the multiplicity of data to be collected, as well as the direct participation of the involved subjects. This work is characterized as a case study and the defined instruments to the research were: The participant observation, the semi-structured interview and the documental analysis. Therefore, it is a study which analyses the process of formation of Country Side educators through the Land Pedagogy Course, more specifically of educators affiliated with MST.


educação do campo trabalhadores rurais sem terra movimento formação de professores teachers formation land pedagogy pedagogia da terra country side education educacao

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