"PCBs e pesticidas organoclorados em tecidos de peixes da Baixada Santista, São Paulo" / PCBS and Organochlorides Pesticides in fishes of Santos Bay, São Paulo, Brazil




Industrial and sewers pollution have being affected seriously the region of Baixada Santista, in the central shore of São Paulo State, Brazil. The great development of Cubatão city caused diverse health problems in the 70´s and 80´s. This present study shows organochlorine distribution in fishes collected in the Santos Bay and Moela Island. Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Trichiurs lepturus and Cathorops spixii had been captured in three different locations, sub-sampled in muscle, liver, gills and gonads. The samples was extracted in Soxhlet apparatus and analyzed by chromatographic techniques. DDT was presented in 66 % of the samples and concentrations varied between 18,92 and 690,29 ng.g-1 lipid. The HCH was detected in 34 % of the samples with concentration ranged from 8,92 to 103,04 ng.g-1 lipid. The region of the Moela Island was the most affected region by HCH pollution. The Mirex was presented in 28 % of the samples and reached values between 5,90 and 222,17 ng.g-1 lipid mostly in the Moela Island and Santos Bay. The HCB was the least found insecticide in this work and occurred in 16 % of the samples that presented concentration that varied from 7,75 to 94,47 ng.g-1 lipid. The muscles and gills of the bentic specie Cathorops spixii appeared to be an important tissues to accumulation of HCB. The PCBs were present in every studied locations. Congeners with number of chlorine between four and seven were the most bioacumulated ones. The bioaccumulation of different tissues did not occurred in the same way. Apparently, the greatest contribution for organic pollution to the fishes of Santos Bay and surrounding areas originates from the estuary or the emissary.


bioaccumulation santos pollution pcbs poluição marinha pesticidas organoclorados organochlorides pesticides peixes baixada santista fishes santos

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