Paulo Duarte between sites and trenches in defense of his lady - the Pre-history / Paulo Duarte entre sítios e trincheiras em defesa da sua dama - a Pré-história




This work investigates the development of Archaeology in São Paulo in the years 50 and 60 of the last century from the part of Paulo Duarte and identifies the missions archeological social sciences linked to the museological procedures in order to transform the reality of the approaching period. The study examines the influence of Musée de l´Homme and Paul Rivet in consolidating and preserving institutional archeological models based on ideals of alterity and diversity resulting from the need for social utility and educational museums such as research mechanism, preservation, dissemination and popularization of Archeology, possibility raised by the implantation of scientific archeological researches wedged universally by humanists implemented by Paulo Duarte. The research allows us to understand the historical legacy which Archeology received in the focused period and the scientific implications on the actual questions on Public Archaeology and the Musealization of Archaeology. The analysis highlights the importance for a proper institutional research procedures, protection and archeological communication through the history of the existing institutions or idealized in the period as: the Department of Culture, the Committee of Pre-History, the Institute of Pre-History and Ethnology, the Institute of Pre-History of University of São Paulo, the Museum of American Man and the Paulista Museum.


musealização da arqueologia museum preservation of the archaeological patrimony. musealization of archaeology preservação do patrimônio arqueológico paulo duarte arqueologia museu paulo duarte archaeology

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