Patrimônio arquitetônico de Corumbá: um olhar sobre a arquitetura moderna na perspectiva da memória e desenvolvimento local




The memory of the built environment of a city has in the historical potential of its architectural heritage one of the fundamental elements in the process of its formation. The different architectural styles that represent the thoughts and behavior of one period are one of the bases of a people social memory. To relate the heritage, cultural memory and local development focusing o n the architectural heritage of Corumbá, Mato Grosso do Sul, through the expressions of the Modern Architecture is the aim of this work. Firstly, we made the choice of showing some concepts, such as local development, heritage, cultural memory, local and territory, all of them, based on theoretical approaches relied on the work of many authors. Then, we showed the city through its aspects related to its History, urban evolution and mainly the architectural structures which have or not have been listed as architectural heritage, analyzing its potentialities that, this History, keeps open to the present and future development. After, having the data carried out by the locus research, we invested in the reflections on the cultural memory of Corumbá, according to the expressions of the Modern Architecture, pointing out the possible ways of subsidizing the development connected to the tangible heritage, extending its involvement to the local community and reality. Although the studied architecture, from the 1940s to the 1960s, does not belong to the economical golden period of the city, it has a strong connection with the golden period for architecture the Modern Architecture and, for the city, even if not from the economical point of view. Finally, this research refers to cultural memory investigation, at the same time, it contributes to the debate about the architectural heritage of Corumbá, as they analyses the historical potential of the urban areas.


memória desenvolvimento local. arquitetura heritage arch itecture patrimônio cultural memory local development. planejamento urbano e regional

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