Pathways of Anaerobic Acetate Utilization in Escherichia coli and Aerobacter cloacae


Acetate-1-14C was added to anaerobic glucose-fermenting cultures of Escherichia coli and Aerobacter cloacae. In the E. coli culture, lactate formation occurred late in the fermentation, when the rate of production of formate and acetate had decreased. The occurrence of acetate label in the lactate indicated formation of pyruvate from acetyl-coenzyme A (CoA) and formate. In the A. cloacae cultures, substantial amounts of acetate label were found in the 2,3-butanediol formed. Evidence is presented that the label could have entered the diol only by conversion of formate and acetyl-CoA into pyruvate. The observed levels of radioactivity in the diol indicated that during diol formation the reaction yielding formate and acetyl-CoA from pyruvate CoA was operating close to equilibrium. The shift in metabolism from formation of acetate, ethyl alcohol, and formate to the formation of butanediol or lactate appears to be due basically to an approach to equilibrium of the pyruvate-splitting reaction, whatever the induction mechanism by which the shift is implemented.

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