Passagens híbridas: relações de gênero e pentecostalismo. / Hybrid passages: gender relations and Pentecostalism.




The subject of this research is the configuration of gender relations in Pentecostal Churches, with a special attention to familiar and sexual spheres. Our aim is to understand first how both men and women interact in this specific religious group, second how they re-signify their social role in the family and in the church and, last, the importance of the religious institution in this process. For us, both the construction process of subjective re-significations from Pentecostal men and women since their religious conversion/adhesion, and their reflexes on the objective reality, may have as a source a diversity of appropriation forms of the heterogene repertory of goods and messages available, thus generating ‘hybridisations’. Therefore, understanding this process as ‘passages’ between different cultures, we justify the title of this work: Hybrid passages: gender relations and Pentecostalism.


família pentecostalismo relações de gênero sexualidade poder eclesial sexuality family eclesial power pentecostalism gender relations

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