Participant evaluation on heath educational practices as a tool of permanent education and managing / Avaliação participante de praticas educativas em como dispositivo de gestão e de educação permanente




This paper presents the test on the methodology of participant evaluation, which has focused upon the health educational practices used by 14 health centers of the municipal network of SUS-Campinas (SP) during the Family Health Paideia implementation. The 4th FURTADO s Generation Evaluation (2001) and the SAUL s Emancipation Evaluation (2001) proposals were used as support to construct an evaluation procedure together the involved groups of interest - users, workers and managers. This evaluation procedure may subsidize improvement of those practices, as well as to identify whether they had contributed to implement the changes that were asked by the adopted directives. Supposing that the evaluation procedures were made on the basis of the intersubjectivity explicitness, those three groups of interest could conceive the lived health educational practices, identify focus in the evaluation and do the evaluation itself, validate the procedure, and discuss the considered opinions and the proposals to improve the educational practices.The analysed evaluation s quality factors (UCHIMURA and BOSI, 2002) were condensed and correlated with the broad clinical, the health and illness production process, the popular and community participation, the health community agents role, the enabling for the changes, the conceiving of the educational practices for health, the share construction of the knowledge, the evaluation of the practices and the managing interference in the experienced health educational practices. The limits of the triangulation of the qualitative information through the available quantitative data, the groups indicated repercussions, as well as the rosen difficulties and opportunities to be continued were also analyzed. Finally, the methodological option was point out: the participant evaluation as a toei of Permanent Education and Managing, to support and enlarge the health professionals evaluation capacity in action


aprendizagem - avaliação educação em saude program evaluation learning health education evaluation avaliação de programas family health saude da familia

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