Participação social no controle de Constitucionalidade : o desvelamento da restrição nas decisões do Supremo Tribunal Federal




The presented dissertation is a study of social participation on constitutionality control based on analysis of Supremo Tribunal Federal (Brazilian Supreme Court) decisions that discussed that theme. It is a discourse analysis of STF, which aims to apprehend concepts and preconceptions infused on that court decisions and speeches. The civil society representative entities legitimacy to propose abstract control of constitutionality actions mean a radical change on ways to participate of the Brazilian constitutionality control system. Until then, entities that were created under private law rules had no direct access to the Court, having to rely on intermediation of the Procurador-Geral da República (Brazilian General Prosecutor). This change, which was foreseen on Constitution, is becoming wider by the creation of rules that allows external manifestation in constitutionality control actions and by the increasing use of those possibilities of participation. The implementation of society participation in a environment that was restricted to the State, however, implies on the debate of the various involved categories. At those moments, the Court show its perceptions, and that is the reason that the decisions related to that theme shown themselves a very productive documentation to expose Brazilian Ministros (Justices) interpretations. The dissertation is divided into two chapters. On chapter one, decisions related to legitimacy of nationwide unions confederation to propose direct constitutionality control actions (as foreseen on article 103, IX, of the Brazilian Constitution) are analyzed. Chapter two investigated society participation on constitutionality control by public hearings and amicus curiae. The research allowed to identify the difficulty related to bury the previous model of participation, despite STF speeches stating its increasing approach of civil society. This difficulty show itself by Court‟s search for previous references and conceptions arising from other contexts to justify interpretations that may exclude civil society entities participation. Those interpretations keep off determined portions of civil society from constitutional debates on STF, narrowing the change foreseen on 1988‟s Constitution.


direito supremo tribunal federal (brazilian supreme court) constitutionality control participação social controle de constitucionalidade supremo tribunal federal society participation

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