Participação popular no âmbito das agências reguladoras brasileiras / Popular participation within the role of Brazilian Regulatory Agencies.


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




This study has as central objective evaluate the mechanisms of popular participation within the role of Brazilian Regulatory Agencies and verify the rate of effectiveness of such participation as well. As for the methodology its a research of qualitative nature and in the perspective of its goals as analytic-descriptive and technical procedures point of view such as literature and documents. It has as teoretical basis the doctrine of several scholars of the subject, among which stand out, Alexandre Aragão, Carlos Ari Sundfeld, Diogo de Figueiredo Moreira Neto, Floriano de Azevedo Marques Neto, Leila Cuéllar, Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira, Maria Sylvia Zanella Di Pietro e Marçal Justen Filho. The research starts from one background approach of the reforms of public administration in Brazil in order to contextualize the emergence of Regulatory Agencies in the Country. At the same time this study looks the new States position in the economy which swaps from a goods and services provider to a normative and regulator agent, performing new functions as inspection, controlling, incentives and planning. The regulation of public services is also discussed by detailing the regime, characteristics, delegation forms and legal principles with focus on the role of agencies in the regulation and inspection of the quality of public services provided. Then the Brazilian model of Regulatory Agencies is analyzed, showing since the foreign background which inspired its origin, legal, rights and control. In the end, are shown the democratic instruments used by agencies, analyzing through the survey of data obtained next to the National Electric Energy Agency, the frequency of the popular participations effectiveness. Tracing this scenario, some actions are suggested aiming the increasing and strengthening of the democratic participation in ambit of Brazilian Regulatory Agencies. Keywords: Administrative Reform. Regulatory agencies. Popular participation. Effectiveness.


agÊncias reguladoras - dissertaÇÕes administraÇÃo pÚblica - dissertaÇÕes serviÇo pÚblico - dissertaÇÕes direito constitucional

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