Participação dos trabalhadores nos lucros ou resultados das empresas no cenario de flexibilização das relações de trabalho




The increasing flexibility of industrial relations, driven by instability in capitalist economies and accrued competition, has been changing the ways of hiring, using and paying the workforce. In this process, Jhe Profit-Sharing (PS) has been r:apidly diffusing. In developed countries, this has been occurring since the mid-eighties. In Brazil, PS gains momentum with the regulation of the subject in decembet 1994. The main objectives of this work are: to understand the general determinants of PS adoption and expansion, based on some intemational experiences; and, starting from these experiences, to verify how the PS has been used to stimulate the workforce in order to get productivity gains and as an instrument of cost control in the Brazilian case. The research that was carried out, based on 970 collective agreements actives in 1996 and 1997, brings to the conc1usion that PS has been very poorly exploited as a mean of incitation of the workforce, at the same time it shows evidences that PS has been used to reduce labour obligations and to increase flexibility of labour cost, even replacing fixed and indirect components of salary. In spite of the problems aroused, the work shows the PS potential as an instrument to reduce income unevenness and to democratize industrial relations


relações trabalhistas - brasil lucros - participação

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