PARTICIPAÇÃO COMUNITÁRIA NO DESENVOLVIMENTO LOCAL: competência territorial em Nhambita-Moçambique




In the last decades, there has been a huge concern on the part of mankind regarding environmental issues, preservation of the planet as well as the guarantee of continuity of biodiversity. Having that in mind, the purpose of this study is to analyze the processes of community involvement in the management of resources seeking satisfaction of its demands based on evidence from the case study of the Nhambita Community in Mozambique and the successful experience of the Pingo DÁgua Community in Brazil, which are in a position to take initiatives and bet on the territorial abilities of the community for empowerment, which promotes the desired local development. The methodology used was of qualitative matrix. Using the case study, data was collected through semi-structured questionnaires, documentary analysis, virtual research, and non-participative observation. Thus, it was evident in Nhambita that partners are worried about the participation of farmers in their activities and value their knowledge and culture, which stimulates empowerment and increases the social capital. This is possible through the accomplishment of partnerships with public entities in connection with NGOs among others factors. Actions like these contribute for the representation of the farmers interests and the incorporation of their demands on the public politics level. Such challenges can be tackled through negotiation of conflicts, establishment of clear and common rules including collective decision-making. This process constructs a sociocultural patrimony endorsed by the tradition (local history) and makes it possible to bring about innovative alternatives. Gradually, the process builds up a collective memory that rearticulates knowledge with the natural environment relationships and the material and symbolic patrimony.


participação desenvolvimento local e território geografia participation local development and territory.

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