Participação cidadã nas políticas públicas de habitação popular na Bahia.




This research searched to analyze as the participation citizen occurs in the public politics of popular habitation in Bahia, represented for the Viver Melhor Program: if it exists, as it gives itself in the practical one and what impacts generate, since the planning to the implementation of these politics. The research was delineated as a quantity-qualitative research, tending for a more qualitative boarding and used study of case with use of analysis of content for analysis of the data. The analyzed data, basically, had been given secondary (official documents, institutional bibliography on the subject, publications, acts of meetings) and interviews with managers, technician and civil society (community, leadership, ONG). From the delimitation of the logics of action of these actors and construction of its speeches, they had been these analyzed data on the basis of the raised theoretical referential, and concluded that the existing participation, although the advances, not yet is configured as participation citizen, either for the disarticulation and fragility of the population in the exercise of participative practical and learning of the citizenship, either for the lack of an adequate methodology of participation, with forms of communitarian boarding tha t really sensitize the community, either for the management politics place, most technical and with remaining portions of authoritarianism, as well as for the divergence between the logics politics of action of the involved actors in this problematic one. These interventions of the Viver Melhor Program do not occur according to democratic and participative logic, but they camouflage lined up economic interests with the neoliberal project and requirements of the financial organisms. It has an increment of the quality of life, for the immense precariousness of conditions of the low income populations in Bahia, but not real stimulation to the citizenship, as conceived in this research.


decentralization administracao local power citizenship cidadania democracia participation citizen sociedade civil descentralização democracy poder local participação cidadã civil society

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