Parlamento eletronico e transformação da democracia representativa




This dissertation has the purpose of discusing the need of new ways of communication and interaction between parliamentarians and citizens that has been recieved the title of "Electronic Parliament", considering the changes that representative democratic societies have experienced in our contemporary world. The dissertation has been developed from the basis that electronic media, as the new media, represents important vehicles to open the discussion of problems of contemporary world. This media creates spaces of interaction, communication and public visibility whose roles of creates special context that induce and transform the way politics is being done. One of the main characteristics of this transformation process is the use that representative politicians are doing of electronic media-specially mass and commercial television, and recently, the new media, cable/satelite television and internet communication-, with the purpose of mantaining direct contact with citizens. It s what we can verify in many parliament offices all over the world with the creation of parliament TV channels and internet web sites. The new media is now involved even on the process of governing, imediately opening the discussion of different matters and the process of parliament decisions with the incentive of citizem to take part in the process of choosing the answers to the questions through electronic polls. The use of this means shows the changes of our democratic society. After considering the "Electronic Parliamenf within the projects of the electronic democracy to show this new phase of representative politics, we focus on the specific case of Brazilian Senate and its relationship with this new media and important new data about the messages between citizens and senators using "A Voz do Cidadao" programm


governo representativo e representação comunicação politica

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