Pardos na cor &impuros no sangue : etnia, sociabilidades e lutas por inclusão social no espaço urbano pernambucano do XVIII




This research analyzes the social position occupied by bears in urban areas of the XVIII Pernambuco, where the object of study, religious brotherhoods, especially the devotion to Our Lady of Deliverance. As a starting point of our approach tried to focus attention to the significance of the scope of the term mulatto, in Pernambuco, seeking to highlight their special characteristics and differences compared to other regions of Brazil. In this sense, we try to trace the daily life of brown in their institutions of Deliverance, by a study of their commitment, sought to understand the social role developed by these individuals within these brotherhoods. We favor the devotion referred to have been one of the most important religious representations of mixed race in the colonial context of Pernambuco. From this perspective, we emphasize the study of parties, particularly the one held in honor of Saint Gonçalo Garcia in 1745 in Recife, in the Church of Deliverance. To develop thework we use asocio-cultural approach trying to observe the historical subjets that were present at the aforementioned festival, considering it as a celebration that will also provide participants moments af fun and public manifestation of Catholic lic faith, also represented vehicle of expression of a particular ethnic and social class.


festas historia do brasil sociedade brotherhoods cultura regional inclusão social irmandades religiosas party society pardos irmandades história social

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