Parâmetros curriculares nacionais: adaptações curriculares: visão da equipe escolar do Ensino Fundamental I do município de Barueri




With the purpose of discussing public policy for the education of students with special educational needs, it is necessary to review the national curriculum set by the National Curricular Parameters (PCN) and examine the understanding that the school team has about this document. Therefore, the present study aimed to know the comprehension of the school team of the city of Barueri on PCNs for the Education of Students with Special Educational Needs, specifically students with Down syndrome. Therefore, a questionnaire was applied to 43 directors, coordinators and teachers from schools that have enrolled students with Down syndrome into regular classroom. Considering the degree of understanding of the school team on the PCNs, level of information of the school team on the PCNs Curricular Adaptations, the school team point of view on PCNs Curricular Adaptations, and contributions of PCNs Curricular Adaptations for teaching, it was noted that the contribution of the document occurs once it suggests strategies for action within the limits of the student and do not represent a reduction of the expectations as comprehended by the school team. However, the knowledge of the team about the PCNs Curricular adaptations is insufficient to ensure the care for students with special educational needs in regular schools. One possibility to improve the quality of education is the initiative to provide training and guidance to educational professions, with the perspective of building an education for all.


educacao school inclusion educational public policy curricular adaptations inclusão escolar adaptações curriculares políticas públicas em educação

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