Parametro da resposta imunologica em individuos com exposição ocupacional a compostos organoclorados




This work is part of a larger project intitled "Integrated Project for the Study of the Hematotoxicity of Benzene and Pesticides", which is a multidisciplinary study for the systemic evaluation of workers and ex-workers of the Empresa Química de Cubatão, São Paulo, Brazil. We have studied in a group of workers exposed to chlorinated compounds the inespecific immune response, as measured by the evaluation of the engulfment and killing capabilities of the neutrophils, and humoral immune response, as measured by the levels of immunoglobulins in serumo Hepatic function and the blood levels of hexachlorobenzene (HCB), which was chosen as a biological indicator of exposure, were determinated by other scientists in the group. Ali the workers studied had detectable levels of HCB in the blood. Our results demonstrated a significant reduction in the litic activity of the neutrophils in the presence of both antigens, Candida albicaons and Candida pseudotropicalis. These findings might be related to a derangement in the qntioxidant mechanisms of the cell caused by the chlorinated compounds. This would lead to a toxic condition with consequent reduction. in the functional activity of the cell. The have also observed an increase in the levels of IgG and IgM in the serum, which was associated with the changes in hepatic function observed in these workers. The results indicate that the study of the litic function of the cell and the serum levels of immunoglobulins provide a sensitive functional indicator of the toxic effects of chlorinated compounds in exposed populations


fagocitose imunoglobulinas toxicologia industrial

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