Papel dos ions de ferro na iniciação do processo de peroxidação lipidica em mitocondrias isoladas de figado de rato




Here we have studied the role of iron ions on the mitochondrial lipid peroxidation induced by FeSO4 in isolated rat liver mitochondria. There are two hypothesis to explain the role of iron ions on the initiation of this peroxidative process. The first one suggests that iron catalyses Haber Weiss and Fenton reactions generating the hydroxyl radical (OR). This later would attack the polly saturated fatty acids of the membrane phospholipids. The second explanation discards a direct participation of OIL as it is a very reactive species to difuse from its generating site to the hydrophobic part of the membrane, where are situated the fatty acids. In this case, the proposal is that the peroxidative process would be initiated by complexes of Fe2+ and Fe3+ and O2. These species would be reactive enough to react with the hydrogen from the methylenic bridges between the polly saturated fatty acid double bonds. Our results show that the FeS04-induced lipid peroxidation causes alterations on the mitochondrial membrane fluidity and the maximum effect is reached when an equimolar Fe2+/Fe3+ relation is achieved. Conditions favouring an increase on the Fe2+ to Fe3+ oxidation by O2 contribute to a significant increase on lipid peroxidation. Among these are the presence of H2O2, the electron leak occuring when energized mitochondria were used and phosphate ions in the reaction medium. The experiments showing that the peroxidation is inhibited by butylhydroxytoluene (BHT), a known radical scavenger, lead to the conclusion that to initiate the peroxidative process a radical should be generated besides the presence of FeSO4. As mannitol was found unable to inhibit this process and it is known that mannitol scavenges OH, the hypothesis that hydroxil is the radical species needed to initiate this process can be discarded by our results. Moreover, our data support the proposal that complexes of iron mixed valences and O2 would be the real initiators of the lipid peroxidation induced by FeSO4 in isolated mitochondria


ions de ferro peroxidação mitocondria - membranas

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