Pais, adolescentes e autonomia moral: escala de concepções educativas / Parents, adolescents and moral autonomy: educative conceptions scale




The purpose of this study was to develop and validate an instrument for psychological evaluation that allowed the investigation of the parents concepts about their participation on the construction of their adolescent children´s moral autonomy. The research had as its theoretical basis Piagets Moral Development Theory. According to Piagets moral development theory the autonomy construction is the possible evolutionary way for the adolescents thought. The concept of autonomy is defined in the contextual relationship, in other words, the greatest purpose of this process is the moral construction of ones self adapted to social. The questions which supported this research were: What do parents think about their participation on the construction of their adolescent childrens moral autonomy? What kind of interventions represented their conceptions about: obedience, respect, justice and autonomy? The process of construction and validation of the instrument was being carried out via the following steps: construction of the scale with assertions for each construct; pilot study in order to arranged semantic validation; theoretical validation (the scale was evaluated by judges scholars in the field of morality and psychometrics); construct validation (Confirmatory Factor Analysis). The sample consisted of 860 parents, fathers (20,6%) and mothers (79,4%) of teenagers between the ages of twelve and twenty years old. There were participants from each one of the five different regions in Brazil (42,8% south-eastern, 20,2% northeastern, 16,5% middle west, 11% north, and 9,3% south) and the research with the parents was done on school grounds (54,8% public and 45,% private schools). The scale model had 36 assertions. These assertions were delineated representing the four constructs: obedience, respect, justice and autonomy. The participants attributed notes from 1 to 7 (respectively the options with which they disagree totally and those with which they agree totally). The Confirmatory Factor Analysis (LISREL) indicated the appropriateness of the four constructs: respect, obedience, justice and autonomy (GFI = 0,933, x²/gl =5,2 , RMSEA= 0,0702). The Educative Conceptions Scale (after statistical validation, CFA) finalized with 25 items, being, 4 items for obedience, 5 items for respect, 8 items for justice, and 8 items for autonomy. Therefore the results of construct validation provided a larger number of items for autonomy, too the detriment of obedience, and provided a larger number of items for justice, that is to Piaget, the most rational of all moral notions, which seems to be the direct result of cooperation. The results indicated that the parents educative conceptions have a tendency to arrange autonomy for teenagers. But, the results revealed that there was a considerable difference between the educative concepts and the real interventions of parents and their teenagers. The results of this study showed that the parents main difficulty to educate moral autonomy disrespects the types of punishment, therefore a problem of retributive justice. The participants of this research demonstrated that they wish to educate their children for autonomy but their interventions did not agree with their aims.


adolescentes desenvolvimento moral moral education papel dos pais psychological assessment adolescents piaget jean 1896-1980 avaliação psicológica piaget jean 1896-1980 educação moral moral development

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