Padronização dos exames para avaliação das disfunções temporomandibulares e sua importancia pericial




The dysfunctions of the temporo-mandibular articulations, reach about 20% of the adult population. Frequently, the Surgeon-dentist invested in the pericial functions and/or the general practice in the daily routine of itswork, come across the difficult task of to evaluate and to diagnose the presence ar the not dysfunction of the temporo-mandibular articulation (DTM), unchained by occlusal, psychological, structural, factors originated by the most varied forms of accidents, by professional acts that didn t obtained success ar by t~e conjunction of several of . these factors. In the present work, after was verified the difficulty for the professionals of the government s Fegion of Piracicaba, as well as of the students of the graduation of FOP/UNICAMP, in the 4th, 6th and 8th semesters, ih relationship to the standardized use of exams for determination of the DTMs, w~ idealized a sequenced standardization the methods and techniques that should be used seeking a better quantification and evaluation of these DTMs. In this standardization we used an initial anamnese (through a pré-formulated questionnaire), physical exam (muscular and articulate touching, analysis functional oclusal), exam of the articulate models, radiographical exams (panoramic x-ray, transcranian, and tomography, among others and electromiographic exams being realized the diagnosis and quantified the destruction degree and loss o functions based on the summa of he results of the accomplished exams. We concluded that this sequence allow the elaboration of a complete diagnosis, as well as, the best quantification of the damage or damages produced in the temporo-mandibular articulations


articulação temporomandibular - pericias medicas articulação temporomandibular - doenças

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