Oxygen-dependent mutagenesis in Escherichia coli lacking superoxide dismutase.


Escherichia coli double mutants (sodA sodB) completely lacking superoxide dismutase (SOD) have greatly enhanced mutation rates during aerobic growth. Single mutants lacking manganese SOD (MnSOD) but possessing iron SOD (FeSOD) have a smaller increase, and single mutants lacking FeSOD but possessing MnSOD do not show such an increase. The enhancement of mutagenesis is completely dependent on the presence of oxygen, and treatments that increase the flux of superoxide radicals produce even higher levels of mutagenesis. The presence of a plasmid overproducing either form of SOD reduces the level of mutagenesis to that of wild type, showing that the O2-dependent enhancement results from a lack of SOD. The enhancement of mutagenesis is RecA-independent, and a complete lack of SOD does not induce the SOS response during aerobic growth. However, the enhanced mutagenesis in aerobically grown sodA sodB mutants is largely dependent on functional exonuclease III, suggesting that the increased flux of superoxide radicals results in DNA lesions that can be acted on by this enzyme, leading to mutations.

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