Outlet-Strut Fracture and Disc Embolization in 27-mm and Smaller Björk-Shiley Convexo-Concave Valves: Historical Overview and 3 Case Reports


Outlet-strut fracture leading to primary failure of Björk-Shiley convexo-concave disc valves has only recently been reported in valves of 27-mm size and smaller. We now report an additional 3 cases of outlet strut failure in smaller convexo-concave valves, in a series of 899 implantations (overall incidence, 0.33%) of convexo-concave valves in various sizes and in 2 variant opening angles (60° and 70°), during a 6-year period. All failures were confined to lots implanted during 1981 and 1982. We describe these 3 cases within the context of an historical overview of the Björk-Shiley tilting-disc valve, and propose methods of surgical intervention when this life-threatening complication arises. (Texas Heart Institute Journal 1989; 16:32-35)

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