Otimização do volume e análise estrutural de caçamba para caminhão fora-de-estrada




The transport of ore and dirty, represents the highest costs component in the mining business. In the majority of cases, this transport is executed by off-road trucks with capacities varying from 20 to 400 tons. Due to the high acquisition and maintenance costs involved, as well as to the risks associated, great effort have been made during the last ten years aiming to optimizing this operation. In this sense, about ten specialized companies have developed studies and are making and selling light weight dump bodies for these vehicles. These bodies, owing to their reduced weight, achieve a significant increase in payload capacity and consequent reduction in cost per ton transported. There are only relative few articles or academic studies available in this area, and where they do exist, they usually focus on specific aspects without analyzing the problems in their wider context. The present study, based on comprising research of recent designs and making use of optimization techniques and finite elements analysis, proposes an alternative approach for the optimization of off-road truck dump bodies, used in oil shale ore transportation. In this study, is emphasized the haul of the oil shale, and is performed a new approach to the static and dynamic modeling of loads.


engenharia mecanica método dos elementos finitos otimização matemática caminhões - equipamentos e acessórios

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