Otimização de treliças planas




Due to the globalization of the economy, cost reduction has become more important. Concerning to the truss, a light, easy and quick build structure, the minimum cost will be represented by minimum weight that the truss could have. In this his work plane truss optimization with fixed geometry and fixed topology is studied. The proposed optimization process consists in applying to an initial configuration plane truss a code where, firstly, the Weight Objective Function will be subjected to a continuum and nonlinear solver, constrained by functions which represent the allowable stress members (according to the AISC-ASD/1989 code), displacement nodal limits and cross section area limits, as well as static equilibrium equations; focusing on minimizing the cross section area and keeping the initial configuration proposed. The optimal values obtained by continuum analysis will be used to submit again the same equations to another solver, now discrete and nonlinear. New equations of restraint that permit to choose available commercial sections were increased on program. Using Pascal language, it was made a program named p TRUSS that prepares a file with specific commands of language interpreted by GAMS. This file created by the pTRUSS program is submitted to the optimization software GAMS, that solves the problem in analysis. Two types of analyses are permitted: continuum analysis and discret analyses. In the former, the software GAMS uses internal routines of MINOS 5.1 and in the latter, GAMS uses the solver DICOPT. Examples from the literature are presented in order to compare the results. Commercial softwares as SAP2000 and AutoMetal were used to validate the results obtained by the software GAMS with the values calculed


programação inteira otimização estrutural otimização matematica programação (matematica) programação não-linear treliças (construção civil)

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