Otimização da lâmina de irrigação na produção de mudas clonais de eucalipto (Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis e Eucalyptus urophylla var. plathyphylla) / Optimization of irrigation depth in the production of seedlings clone of eucalypts (Eucalyptus urophylla x Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus urophylla var. plathyphylla)




With the purpose of optimizing the applied irrigation depth during the production of eucalypts (clone seedlings), through morphologic evaluations, three experiments (E1 - summer 2003, E2 - winter 2003 and E3 - summer 2004), during 56 days, were carried out in the nursery forest (opened field) of the Eucatex S/A Company, using randomized blocks statistical design (with sub-plots in strips). The treatments were constituted of 4 irrigation depth (H0 - control, H1, H2 and H3), sprinkled on the canopy and 2 clones (E. urophylla x E. grandis - CA and E. urophylla var. plathyphylla - CB). The stem diameter (DC), the height of the aerial part (HPA), the leaf area (AF) and the dry mass of leaf (MSF), stem (MSC), aerial part (MSPA), root (MSR) and total (MST) were evaluated in function of the age (days after cutting) and through the incomes in the productivity, proportionate for the levels of applied total sheet. The collected climatic parameters were: temperature of the air, relative humidity of the air, evaporation and rain. The treatments influenced in the growth of the seedlings. During E1, the irrigated depth (LI) it varied among 292.54 mm in the level H0 and 65.09 mm in the level H3. With the increment of the rain (304.6 mm), the total sheet (LT) applied on the dossal it varied between 597.14 and 369.69 mm in the levels H0 and H3, respectively. The rain happened in the period influenced a lot in the irrigation. The clone CB provided the largest growth, being LT considered H2 the most appropriate (426.46 mm). The strip of responsible water for the maxim productivity varied among 369.69 mm (MSR) and 508.22 mm (MSC) for the clone CA and among 435.49 mm (MSC) and 475.01 mm (HPA) for the clone B. the application of a dear daily sheet is Recommended (LDE) around 7.6 mm.day-1. During E2, LI varied among 399.934 mm in the level H0 and 69.92 mm in the level H3. The rain sheet (LC) it was of 55 mm elevating LT for 443.93 and 124.92 mm in the levels H0 and H3, respectively. The irrigation was the main source of application of water. The clone CA guaranteed the largest growth, being it LT of the level H1 (330.75 mm) responsible for the superior increments. The points of great productive they were obtained with the maximum sheet (Lmax) among 328.49 mm (MSF) and 359.69 mm (HPA) for CA and among 338.47 mm (MSF) and 388.55 mm (DC) for CB. The use of a LDE of 6 mm.day-1 is recommended. In E3, LI varied between 402.90 and 69.35 mm for the levels H0 and H3, respectively. LC was of 235.08 mm. LT varied among 638.73 mm in H0 and 305.13 mm in H3. The best level of water application was H1, with LT of 520.47 mm, being CA the clone with larger growth. Responsible Lmax for the largest profitability were between 523.48 mm and 564.97 mm, for the parameters HPA and DC, respectively, in the case of the clone CA and among 511.23 mm (MSR) and 544.24 mm (MSF) for the clone CB. Recommended LDE and around 9.3 mm.day-1. During the growth phase, it is ended that the applied water for the witness (H0) it is larger than the water needs of the eucalyptus seedlings.


balanço hídrico eucalipto irrigation viveiro de planta water balance mudas – produção eucalyptus irrigação seedlings forest nursey

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