OtimizaÃÃo de processos de usinagem em uma cÃlula flexÃvel de manufatura




At the last years the globalization and the free international competition of the markets has been forcing the companies develop its products with larger quality in a smaller time of production and costs more and more low. The companies, in general, have been they adapt to that new reality as a form to guaranteeing its survival. For this they started to use high technologies in the manufacture of their products, that involves since the conception of the product to pos-sales assistance. In what refers to the manufacture companies for machining processes, a stage of great importance in the conception of product is the planning of the productive process. Now, in the manufacture processes areas, they are looked for to extract of the equipments involved in the process the maximum of productivity. Associate to this, is the appearance of new equipments, especially the one that use Command Numeric Computerized (CNC) minimizing the relative times the tool change and making possible a better planning of the production. The introduction of the computers in the making of the process plan turns the planning of the most efficient production, could dispose of more alternatives in the production chronogram, resulting in the increase of the productivity with the use of optimized plans. This work had as objective to give a contribution to the planning of the production, showing as it can identify in a flexible cell of manufacture the best allocation and sequence of production of a lot composed of different types of pieces. The cut parameters for the process of face milling cutting were optimized for the maxim production. With the help of the lineal programming it was shown as one can decide the amount of pieces that should be will work in the different machines component tools of a Flexible Cell of Manufacture


otimizaÃÃo de processos fabricaÃÃo engenharias usinagem

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