Oswald de Andrade no jornal O Homem do Povo / Oswal de Andradde in the O Homem do Povo newspaper




In 1931, Oswald de Andrade creates O Homem do Povo, a newspaper in which he publicly declares his communist activism, and in which he satirizes both, capitalism and the bourgeois society at the time. Its eight editions, were published in March and April of 1931 together with the participation of both Patricia Galvão (Pagu) and Queiroz Lima. Such a work intended to analyze both expressive and critical properties of Oswald de Andrades constructions at the journal and to put in evidence points of contact between the aesthetic and political aspects of the activists formulations. For doing it so, Oswald de Andrades editorials were selected such as articles signed by him and others which clearly evidence his writings and ideas. Through reading and corpus analyses it is detected three substantial elements such as: the irreverent spirit game, the reflection tied to purposes of his own critical formulation as far as anthropophagy is concerned and the subversion where he summarizes aesthetics and political elements; the configuration of which shows itself in the setting of the journal. Such ingredients, allied to comicality back up the satirical element that permeates O Homem do Povo. So, it can be observed in any of the different strategies of his vocabulary, either metaphoric or not, that Oswald de Andrade continually tries to represent an upside down world having the capitalist society and its elites as targets. In that way, it is interesting to show that, due to his hyperbolic elaborations, the writer-journalist in a teasing way tries to put in evidence the bourgeois decline and the ascension of the people through many different ways and methods. In such a work, Oswald de Andrade looks forward to reinvent himself critically, by transposing his legitimate space in bourgeoisie through journalist activity and determining projects which concerns the proletariat, that is to say, the lower social class. While doing so he creates many different pseudonyms and situate himself as a leader of the referred class, using words and humor as both shield and weapon, building paradoxes, puns, irony and hyperboles. By doing so, Oswald de Andrade turns on the critical power of his communicative and expressive language that at O Homem do Povo is used for denouncing, teasing and making ridicule consecrated values of the bourgeoisie and of the capitalist system that supports it linking both the political resistance of the journal´s editor and the aesthetic resistance of the modernist writer.


o homem do povo humor oswald de andrade antropofagia oswald de andrade anthropophagy subversão política e estética o homem do povo relationship between aesthetics and politics humour

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