Osman Lins e o Suplemento Literário d´O Estado de São Paulo (1956-1961): cotejos com sua obra ficcional / Osman Lins and the Suplemento Literário of O Estado de São Paulo (1956-1961): comparisons with his fictional work


IBICT - Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia




Osman Lins and the Suplemento Literário of O Estado de São Paulo (1956-1961): comparisons with his fictional work presents a survey of themes which have been observed in the nonfiction production of the Pernambucan writer and which correspond with a supposed formative period in the writers work as it is presented by Osman Lins in Guerra sem testemunhas , establishing comparisons between those themes and his mature fiction production. Considering the mentioned survey of themes, some analysis of the critic Osman Lins esthetic, ethical and moral reflections were established. Those reflections are presented in a very lucid and, many times, extremely combatant way. The established analysis in this dissertation long for verify possible bonds between the writers nonfiction production and his fiction work, accepting the premise that the critical production of a fiction writer might present reflections of the writer in his critical observations and value judgments. This dissertation aims to promote the spreading of some Osman Lins unpublished nonfiction production, as well as to offer some instruments to other researchers of the Pernambucan writers work. This study does not aim, nowhere near, to use up the possible themes of this researchs corpus; neither longs for present exhaustive analysis of the studied themes. It is just the beginning of a work which is believed to be part of a long and very productive trajectory.


ficção fiction não-ficção nonfiction o estado de s. paulo o estado de s. paulo osman lins osman lins suplemento literário suplemento literário

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