Os sentidos do suicídio por fogo : um estudo com mulheres através do método de Rorscharch




This research aimed to investigate the psychological, family and affective factors that exists in the context of the individuals whom once tried to commit suicide using fire, by the means of the Rorschach Test (for evaluation of the aspects of the participantss personalities), as well like the interview to understand and investigate the meaning of the suicide attempt and survival. The research participants were two women aged between 25 and 40 years who were hospitalized and were discharged from the Unidade de Queimados do Hospital Regional da Asa Norte. The motive of the hospitalization was the suicide attempt using fire in order to achieve death. The phenomenon of the suicide is paradoxical, because on one side emerges as the most personal of the actions and moreover it is something widely universal: it occurs occurs everywhere in the world and in some cases are being found many similarities there are indeed plausible to conclude that social factors directly and indirectly interfere in the phenomenon decisively. The record of suicide worldwide is complicated by underreporting (register of deaths for a different reason, even if it is clear that the cause of death has been caused by that person), but according to Oliveira and Lotufo (2003), more than one million people committed suicide in 1990. In Brazil, it is believed that the most of the suicide cases occurs in the south region of the country and that women try it more often than men. Diekstra (1993), affirms that for every successful suicide, there were at least 10 attempts before. It is believed that suicide is the result of a number of factors (social, biological and psychological) and, yet, there are psychopatological components involved. Psychoanalytically, Freud (1996), to explain the phenomenon of the suicide, use the concepts of the mourning, melancholy and identification. Because of the processes of identification with a lost object, the melancholic would be more likely to attempt suicide. Because of the fire as a mean to achieve the goal, an aspect considerate to comprehend the attempt of the presented cases, were the symbolism of fire. The results suggest that the research participants have difficulty to accept the reality and have difficulties in interpersonal relationships. The diagnosis also points to a hysterical neurosis with the use of the obsessional defenses.


fire rorschach suicide suicídio rorschach psicanálise psicologia fogo psychoanalysis

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