Os pronomes pessoais em espanhol e em português: um estudo contrastivo sob a perspectiva sistêmico-funcional




This study aims at analyzing the occurrence of personal pronouns, both in Spanish and Portuguese using writer Quino s Argentinian cartoon Mafalda as corpora, attempting to find out what causes can influence on Maia-González s (1994) considerations about the existence of "a different kind of asymmetry about the expression of Subjects and Complements". Thus, this research studies the causes of the predominance of elliptical subjects and pronominal objects in Spanish and, on the other hand, the predominance of pronominal subjects and elliptical objects in Brazilian Portuguese. There are four main goals: a) to analyze how subjects occur in these two languages; b) to verify how Processes exert influence on the occurrence of personal pronouns;c) to verify how the Theme influenceson personal pronouns occurrence and; d) to know how different the Reference in both languages is, as far as the ellipsis or the occurrence of personal pronouns are concerned. The theoretical frame work of this dissertation lays on the Systemic-Functional Grammar (Halliday, 1985, 1994). Among the several existing of data analyses, the choice of Processes, Theme and Reference was made based on the fact that very few studies are to be found on these both in Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese, which opens up a great field for research and analysis. The methodology of this study is based on Corpus lingu istics and uses the WordSmith Tools (Scott, 1999) as its computational toel. The results show that in the translation process from the Argentine an original text into Brazilian Portuguese there is a convertion of elliptical subjects into pronominal ones and of pronominal objects into elliptical ones. Inmy experiencein bilingual teaching for undergraduation courses, these linguistic differences are the ones that have been the main cause of difficulties to Brazilians who study Spanish as a foreign language, which demonstrates the importance and the initial motivation for this analysis


linguistica aplicada e estudos da linguagem linguistica aplicada lingua portuguesa -- pronomes lingua espanhola -- pronomes mafalda (personagem de desenhos humoristicos) -- critica e interpretacao

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